Faculty Preceptor Responsibilities
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Our faculty preceptors play a pivotal role in trainee recruiting and retention, development, and mentoring. Additionally, their active participation in our program activities is critical to the continued funding support that comes from NIH.
To remain in good standing with the program, faculty preceptors are required to:
- Allow trainees to complete an industry internship (typically in the summer lasting 3 months and usually in the San Francisco Bay Area)
- Fulfill at least one engagement activity with trainees (attend one of the biweekly trainee meetings and provide feedback to trainees on their research talk, conduct a 90-min refresher training session for the responsible conduct of research, or arrange trainee field trips through an industrial contact)
- Fulfill at least one diversity recruiting and retention activity per year
- Be available to serve as a secondary academic mentor to trainee(s)
- Complete a faculty mentor training workshop once every 3 years. (New BTP faculty to complete within a year of appointment to program.)
- Provide an annual evaluation of their trainee’s progress, by completing a simple form updating us on industry internship plan and publication status, and confirming at least one IDP meeting per year.